5 Ways to Reset Your Home
It’s the 2nd October and it’s grey and drizzly. The kids are now settled back at school and a sense of normality is beginning to return. I don’t know about you but I always feel a massive urge to declutter and clean at this time of year. So, this week we have something a little different for you!
We are joined by Poppy Duffree from Organised Intertiors Organised Interiors | The Luxury Home Moves Company & Home Organisation (organised-interiors.co.uk) who has guest written; for our reading pleasure 5 easy ways we can reset our homes this October - over to you Poppy!
Image from Organised Interiors Website
As the days start to get shorter, it’s time to think about resetting your homes for autumn and winter. To help with this we’ve compiled five steps to make sure your space is relaxing and inviting as we move into this period where we hunker down and spend more time inside.
1) Review your Entranceway
It’s time to pop those sandals and flip-flops away and bring out your favourite winter boots in your quick to grab spot for shoes.
If you don’t have an entrance cupboard that houses these, keep two of each family member’s most frequently used pairs of shoes close to the door and store the rest away in another space.
Proactively swopping out shoes not being worn prevents a build up of summer shoes by the door as we reach for our warmer footwear.
Remember to contain the shoes close to the door, either in a shoe rack, on a mat, or in open baskets. Our favourite space saving shoe rack pictured below is one we’ve used many times as it takes up no floor space and is a guaranteed conversation starter when guests come over!
2) Reorganise your Pantry
For those who do a deep spring clean, it’s time to reframe this time of year as the spring clean’s younger sister! This is a brilliant time for taking everything out of your pantry, giving the shelves a quick wipe down, doing an interim check on use-by dates for food, before placing it back into your pantry in logical categories. Should you want to go one step further, consider some baskets to add interest and warmth to your pantry.
3) Swop Seasonal Clothing
It’s time to get realistic about your summer wardrobe. Let’s get really honest; which pieces did you not wear at all? Which ones did you put on once, but not enjoy wearing and as a result it stayed in your wardrobe all summer? Take them out and either sell them or take them to the charity shop.
Clothes that are not going to be worn because it’s now too cold should be packed away and then we can welcome back all those gorgeous winter jumpers!
4) Tidy your Outdoor Space
Let’s not forget your shed and garage! Before you place any outdoor furniture away in your outdoor storage space, rotate your seasonal outdoor equipment. Put away your paddling pools, summer outdoor toys and parasols and bring your leaf blowers, rakes and winter sports gear to the front. Your outdoor furniture can then be placed logically around these items.
We also recommend fully decluttering and organising these spaces before it gets too chilly! Protect your items from damp and any unwelcome small furry animals by placing them in clear plastic boxes in appropriate categories. You will thank yourself every time you go into the space and may even save yourself money by not having to replace damaged items.
5. Tackle the Linen Cupboard
As you move away from your light summer linen and bring out your winter favourites, now is the time to reset the linen cupboard. Our favourite ways to organise linen include folding entire sets into a pillow case so they are easy to grab and go or organising by size and labelling either the shelf, or the basket. Example shown below!
Thank you Poppy! It’s always great to get guidance from an expert and is great to know that small jobs can make a big difference to the day to day running of your home.
Right, I’m off to put away my flip flops and pack away the beach towels!
Becky x
Poppy Duffree is an award winning Professional Organiser and founder of Organised Interiors. They have a reputation for creating next-level moving experiences and beautifully functional spaces for clients around the world.
From elegant townhouses to penthouse apartments, country homes and estates, they serve private clients with domestic moves, international relocations and organising services across London, the Home counties, Cotswolds, Bath, Bristol and South West.