Decorating your teenager’s university bedroom
So, the day has finally come and your darling baby is off to university! (blog post about what to turn their vacated room into to follow 😊 ) It is all very exciting until you arrive at their accomodation and find their room to be nothing more than a bland soulless box. Practical is the kindest description that can be given with the space they are presented with.
So how can you transform the space in a cost-efficient way? Obviously you will need to focus on items that you can bring with you but that doesn’t mean you should just go to your local Wilko and panic buy everything in there. We can make big impactful changes without spending huge amounts of money.
1) Lamps
The first thing you will notice is the bright ceiling light, introducing layers of lighting will not only make the room feel more comfortable but also bring the opportunity to add a pop of colour.
TOP TIP - Bear in mind that the bedside light may also need to double as task lighting for working at the desk, dimmable options work around this dual need perfectly
You could also add some fairy lights around the ceiling to soften the room, the easiest and quickest way to attach these is with command mini hooks Command Mini Hooks | Dunelm Command products are brilliant because they don’t damage the wall when you remove them (perfect for keeping your deposit in place)
IMAGE 2 - Habitat Lizzie Desk Lamp Orange £12. 99
2) Bedding
The vast majority of uni halls only have a single bed which may well cause some issues for your youngster as they navigate “entertaining” in such a small space (let’s not think too much about that!!!) but this is a key area that you can bring some colour and pattern to their room. As a general rule I always recommend buying a duvet the size bigger than your bed to allow for maximum comfort and snuggleability.
3) Rugs
Uni hall flooring has to be practical but unfortunately it is often also very unattractive and frequently not dissimilar to office carpet tiles. To bring some much needed comfort and softness into the room adding a rug is a great idea.
Image 5 - Dunelm Royal Nomadic 5431 Rug from £69
Image 6 - Wayfair Hykkon Orange & Cream Check Rug from £74.99
TOP TIP – If you are worried about your child vomiting on the rug, why not consider an outdoor rug? These are harder wearing and easier to clean. H&M & Wayfair stock a good selection.
4) Plants
I know, I know, you are worried about how your young adult is going to keep themselves alive let alone a plant but there are many reasons to add some greenery to their room. Plants have been proven to lower stress levels, they help remove carbon dioxide from the air and they look beautiful!
Many plants are super low maintenance, focus on spider plants, snake plant, string of pearls, dragon tree or zz plant. If you know it really doesn’t stand a change there are some great artificial plants on the market, check out for options.
TOP TIP - Make sure the plant is positioned correctly for its needs, very few plants thrive in direct sunlight.
Have you any other ideas for university bedrooms? Show us on Instagram what you’ve done or send me a dm with any questions you may have
Until next time,
Becky x