Artificial Intelligence in Interior Design
Recently I had the pleasure of attending a presentation through The Interior Designers Hub on the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Interior Design. Delivered by Vanessa Edwards @practically.fabulous it would be fair to say that at the beginning of her presentation there was a group of very worried Interior Designers who all believed that we would soon be out of a job, by the end of it we were definitely less worried and actually quite intrigued and interested to have a go ourselves!

I was about to start this blog by saying that I have always loved learning but then I paused; that isn’t 100% accurate. I actually really didn’t enjoy learning at school. As a child I found sitting still for hours and around other people incredibly difficult. It wasn’t until I entered Sixth Form and had more freedom to choose from a wider selection of subjects that I really started to enjoy learning. The subject that really ignited my joy of learning was at A level studying Psychology, which is ironic because it wasn’t my first choice – I had started studying Biology and just found it impossible to understand what the teacher was saying let alone understand the complex processes she was trying to teach. I begged to change; by chance a space had opened in the Psychology class and I convinced them to let me switch. I am so pleased they did because I then went onto read Applied Psychology & Computing at Bournemouth University. It is difficult to accurately explain just how much I love Psychology, in particular social psychology. What I loved most about it is that it is subjective, highly nuanced and there isn’t one right answer – which is the same for interior design.

Why you should hire me as your Interior Designer!
Why you should hire me as your Interior Designer!
As the season changes and we officially move into spring I, like many of my customers feel compelled to have a good clear out and spring clean. There is nothing like there being more sunshine to highlight the dust, mucky windows and clutter that has amassed over the winter months.
Often the arrival of a new fresh season brings with it a desire to redecorate or start that project you have been yearning for but here is the kicker; you have a Pinterest board full of images, but you don’t know where or how to start. Suddenly trying to make a coherent plan has stopped feeling fun and now just feels totally overwhelming. So, what should you do? Well, I’m pleased to say that’s where I come in! One of the key skills I have as an interior designer is being able to extract from your brain and Pinterest board or magazine tear outs is a clear design for your space – sounds like a magic solution right? Well sort of! It’s actually more practical than that. It’s years of practice, experience, holding a directory of trusted suppliers and the ability to clearly form excellent relationships my clients.

Should I paint my ceiling?
Errrr, yes of course! Next question ….. Only joking, settle in and let’s discuss all things ceiling …
Historically ceilings were afforded much more importance than they are today in interior design. Period homes had high ceilings that featured ornate cornicing, decorative roses & mouldings and were sometimes even embossed with patterns stretching the entire surface of the ceiling. Ceilings were treated with the same attention to detail as the rest of the room…

Using colour in your home
I’ll bet you’ve considered what colour to paint a room but have you ever actually thought about how you would like the room to make you feel?
Having a basic understanding of the psychology of colour can be transformational in your home.
Colour is everywhere and most of the time we are not aware of it – until we step into a room that makes us feel awkward or immediately at home.
Colour has the power to influence us on mental, physical and emotional levels and to make it a bit trickier to understand, it is also highly personal. Whereas I find most shades of grey bland there are many people in the world who find it calming and love using it in their homes and get this; there is no right and wrong here! This is why it is so important to understand how different colours make you feel.

Things I learned in 2022
So here we are again, the business of Christmas is over and we have begun the big declutter that January inevitably brings. I know January can be a grim month for some after the sparkle and expectation of December but I really love the hunkering down that the cold and wet demands. It gives me the excuse to prioritise reading and to go to bed early and allows me to evaluate what went well in the year just completed whilst also making decisions about what is no longer serving me and therefore is time to let go off.
So grab yourself a cuppa, light a candle, pull that blanket up and let’s begin …..

My Colour Rules
One thing I hear so often either spoken out loud or implied is the concern that other people won’t like it. My answer always is who cares! (definitely harder to hear if you are a people pleaser)Ask yourself why does their opinion matter?
Like our parents used to say to us, “if everyone liked the same thing the world would be boring”. My motto is, if you like it, put it in your home. We have literally no control over what other people think of us and nor, should we. If it brings you joy, do it!