Why you should hire me as your Interior Designer!
Why you should hire me as your Interior Designer!
As the season changes and we officially move into spring I, like many of my customers feel compelled to have a good clear out and spring clean. There is nothing like there being more sunshine to highlight the dust, mucky windows and clutter that has amassed over the winter months.
Often the arrival of a new fresh season brings with it a desire to redecorate or start that project you have been yearning for but here is the kicker; you have a Pinterest board full of images, but you don’t know where or how to start. Suddenly trying to make a coherent plan has stopped feeling fun and now just feels totally overwhelming. So, what should you do? Well, I’m pleased to say that’s where I come in! One of the key skills I have as an interior designer is being able to extract from your brain and Pinterest board or magazine tear outs is a clear design for your space – sounds like a magic solution right? Well sort of! It’s actually more practical than that. It’s years of practice, experience, holding a directory of trusted suppliers and the ability to clearly form excellent relationships my clients.