Dopamine Decor
For the uninitiated, dopamine is a neurotransmitter or chemical messenger which when released into the brain induces feelings of happiness.
Dopamine dressing has been much talked about this year, it’s a simple concept really, it involves wearing clothes you love that boost your mood. They tend to be brightly coloured, sometimes involve colour drenching or mixing clashing prints. Well now I am pleased to introduce to you “Dopamine Décor!”
It is really the most joyful interior trend of recent years, forget pristine and intentional curation – this is all about items that spark joy, colour pairings that invigorate you and basically anything that pus a smile upon your face! Throw out your rule book and start embracing your true self ….. BUT ……….
How do I do this I hear you cry, well, here is my guide to dopamine dressing your home