Sustainability In Interior Design - Week 1
Introducing a 6 Weekly Series Exploring Sustainability in Interior Design
Sustainable Interior Design
Have you noticed an increase in the use of these words recently?
Eco friendly
Eco conscious
Green design
Sustainability is THE buzz word in interiors these days but what does it actually mean and more importantly how do you create an interior that is sustainable?
Grab yourself a cuppa and lets delve in …..
What is Sustainable Interior Design?
Sustainability is defined as “avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance”
Research published in the International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment explains that environmentally sustainable interior design concerns the use of aesthetic principles and strategies that provide benefits on a global scale.
What does that mean in reality? Well, the key is bringing awareness to our choices and making them considered. As we all become more aware of the damage the through away culture we live in has upon our precious world we can begin to explore products that are “better”
It is however difficult to explain what “better” means and there is where the holistic approach comes in. It is only by exploring the whole lifecycle of a product that we can begin to understand whether or not it is sustainable. Even this present challenges as perfect products are few and far between.
How Can we be Sustainable in Interior Design?
· Reduce - Reuse – Recycle
This should always be your starting point. Do you need to get rid of your item or could you move it to another room (this is sometimes referred to as shopping your home) Before you acquire it consider how long it will last you and what you will do with it when you don’t need it anymore.
Can your or someone else reuse it? Perhaps you can give it to a friend or family member or sell it.
Finally consider recycling it – this should be your last consideration in a circular economy.
· Consider Products Made from Waste or Natural Materials
Whether its bricks made from fabric amazingly named fab-brick or lampshades by Grown Bio made from mycelium there are a growing number of companies thinking outside the box when it comes to materials.
· Choose Design that Evolves
Items that only have one use and won’t be needed for long periods of time are undergoing a transformation as companies consider ways to make their products last longer. An excellent example of this is the cot bed from Tutti Bambini that grows with your child or shelf storage by Vitsoe that can be reconfigured.
· BCorp Companies
Becoming a BCorp takes commitment and effort to become verified by the B Lab to prove they meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. Check out this gorgeous sofa by Modus Furniture who have proudly been BCorp since late 2023.
· Craftspeople
Using skilled craftspeople rather than energy hungry machines is better for the environment and small businesses.
· Maintenance & Repair
Consider how the items you purchase can be maintained or repaired.
Is the item well made? Can it easily be taken apart, moved and rebuilt (I’m thinking of you IKEA furniture) Try to research what the companies end of life policy is for the product.
· Consider Bespoke
Making to order significantly reduces waste and you end up with a totally unique product that was made completely for you!
· Avoid Trends
Really take time to consider your purchases. Do you really love it or are you being influenced by the latest temporary trends. Try to imagine your life in 5 or 10 years time, does the item or style suit your future lifestyle?
· Insulation
Ensuring your building is well insulated and air tight is key to saving lost energy. A study by intelligent home climate management.
I’d love to hear your views. Are you making choices differently? What are your top tips or hero products?
This blog is the very first in a series that I will release weekly over the next 6 weeks to explore and celebrate sustainability in interior design.
See you next time where we are going to explore Sustaiability in Bathroom Design!
Becky x